Equipment insurance for your hire pump

Do you temporarily need several polluted water pumps? If so, you are advised to take out equipment insurance. This prevents high costs due to damage beyond your control occurring to the pumps, pipes and accessories. Our equipment insurance covers you against equipment damage caused by fire, theft or extreme weather conditions. You benefit from greater financial security when you use the equipment insurance option provided by Eekels Pompen.

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Our equipment insurance covers you against damage to the hire equipment resulting from:

  • Theft and vandalism
  • Fire and explosion
  • Stormy weather and lightning strikes
  • Aircraft damage
  • Traffic risks
  • A fault in the equipment
Een kraanwagen plaatst meerdere leidingbruggen op locatie

How do I take out equipment insurance?

When you add a pump to your hire list, the procedure includes a facility for requesting equipment insurance. We call you to discuss the request and discuss the equipment insurance you have chosen.

The equipment insurance is only valid if a hire contract that includes equipment insurance has been drawn up before the start of the hire period and duly signed by the customer. If the hire period is extended, the equipment insurance is also automatically prolonged.

Hire pumps with equipment insurance

Grote tijdelijke pominstallatie met meerdere pompen, besturingscontainer en leidingwerk bij sluis

What does taking out equipment insurance cost?

Our insurance is charged at a percentage of the hire price. More information about our rates are available in our insurance certificate.

Please contact us for more information about taking out equipment insurance. By telephone on +31 (0)180 69 69 69 or by email via We will be glad to help you.

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